Desktop - Auto Wifi

MAC M1 and m1 pro only

At the moment, the only currently supported Macbooks are the mac M1 and M1 Pro.

Download DMG

Download the latest DMG the iCloud storage

Click on : "Download a Copy"

Click on DMG

Find your downloaded DMG, and double click

Slide the pure locate logo

Click and drag the PureLocate icon into the Applications folder to install

from applications, open

From your Applications, double click to open PureLocate

CAN't be Opened

You may get a "can't be opened" error. We are working on this, to get the app properly signed and released from the mac store. Until then ....

Open System Settings

Open system preferences. Click on  "Security & Privacy"

OPEN anyway

Under the general tab:

Click on "Open Anyway"

Click Open

Be sure to click ok on bluetooth

If you fail to click this, you can find and enable it at System preferences, security, privacy tab, Bluetooth, check box for purelocate-auto-wifi

Fill out SSID and Password

It is important that this information is EXACTLY correct for your wireless system. Any misprints, extra spaces, or any other mismatch from your network settings will not let the stations connect.

Click start sending

The software will scan and connect to any stations within Bluetooth range. You are free to roam about the building to connect to more stations.

Be sure to leave enough time for the blue Bluetooth symbol  (Bluetooth 
connect) and the green checkmark (wifi settings sent)  to finish.

Click STOP

Click on the stop button to stop the Bluetooth connections. You can always restart to reconnect to the stations and send the wifi credentials again.