
The Assets page will display a list of all saved asset tags in the organization.

If an asset is not showing in the list, or on a search, press the Refresh Assets button to refresh the list.

To search for an asset, or bring up the sub-menu, click on the buttons in the upper right hand corner.

To use the barcode scanner on a tag, click on the Lookup Asset with Camera button. Aim that camera at the barcode to bring up the assets detail page.

To find a specific asset, press on the search button on the upper right hand corner and enter in the asset tags name.

To bring up the tags detail page, click anywhere on it's info.

The assets detail page lists the tags general info, a map of its location, and a list of stations that it is currently connected to.

To edit the asset, press on the Edit button on the upper right hand corner.

On the Edit Asset page, you can change the name of the saved asset, and add information to the meta data.